Category: VBehaviour management

SEND Support Worker

Undertaking the role of Special Educational Needs Support or Behavioural Support Worker doesn’t always require previous experience of working within education and so can be an excellent route into working within a school environment. What is a Special Educational Needs Support worker? A Special Educational Needs (SEND Support) worker helps ...

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Meg selfa

We are so proud of Megan, who has been recognised by #SaltOfTheEarth in partnership with @northyorkscc for her volunteer work with Skipton and Craven charity @selfa_charity Megan has been part of the Justteachers Family for approaching 4 years and has selflessly given up her free time on weekends and holidays to support children and young ...

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Extremely interesting article from on why we should strongly focus  on the wellbeing of children and all teaching staff above timetables, curriculum and results. If someone is struggling with their wellbeing, they cannot learn nor teach effectively. The article provides an excellent case study from West Lea School, a ...

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Today marks ‘World Mental Health Awareness Day’, which has become an ever more poignant recognition day this year. 1/10 young people suffer from a significant mental health problem* which has been further exacerbated in the wake of the global pandemic, and 50% of Mental Health problems are established by the ...

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  In the wake of the global pandemic, it is vital more than ever that young people with mental health problems are getting the emotional support they need. Recent statistics published from  YoungMinds Mental Health Charity UK suggest that as many as: One in ten young people suffers from a ...

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SEND Web banner

  If you are contemplating a career change and feel like you have many of the transferable skills and qualities required to work within a SEND School setting, then it might be worth having a chat with justteachers. We work with SEND Schools nationwide who are increasingly interested to hear ...

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