That’s a Wrap! – A guide to switching off during the Summer holidays


The Summer holidays are here and as we close the book on this academic year, it’s time to switch off and hit the reset button before September arrives.

For many, teaching is a hugely rewarding career- it can also be very demanding and at times can leave you feeling as though you need a boost in energy. It is important that you take the time to prioritise your wellbeing by switching off and having some time for yourself, to ensure you are ready to hit the ground running in September.


Make a plan and stick to it

Although you may not be able to completely forget about school and there may be some work that needs to be done before you return, make a clear plan and allocate a certain amount of time for work. Make it a priority to stick to your plan and do not let your workload take over your break.

Take a tech break

Unless you have some urgent work to attend to, switching off your phone, laptop or tablet – even just for a few hours a day – can have huge mental health benefits. It allows you to relax your mind and take a breather away from your emails.

Revisit your hobbies

It can often be difficult to squeeze in hobbies when you are working. Whether it’s walking, crafting or going to the cinema, take the time to do something that you enjoy. Getting outdoors and taking your mind off school will help you to disconnect and relax.

Plan a holiday or day out

Going on holiday or having a day trip forces you to take time off from the daily tasks that can fill up your school holidays. Visiting new places opens up so many possibilities for experiencing new cultures, stepping out of your comfort zone and learning.

Reassess your sleep schedule

Getting enough sleep is vital for keeping you refreshed and recharged, but can easily be overlooked. Research has also uncovered that brain activity during sleep has profound effects on emotional and mental health. So, make it a priority to get between 7 and 9 hours of rest every night.

For tips on how to improve your sleep visit


Most importantly, enjoy your well-deserved break!